Naturopathic Doctor Vaughan: CHP

Helping You Achieve Desired Health, Naturally


A Holistic Solution to Tackle Your Problems at the Root

A Holistic Solution to Tackle Your Problems at the Root

Our skilled Naturopathic Doctors believe in a personalized approach tailored to your unique health goals…

If you’re on the lookout for a health journey that:

  • Blends the wisdom of traditional and ancient medicine
  • Celebrates your body's own healing magic
  • Aims for true wellness, not just 'no illness'
  • Truly gets YOU and offers solutions designed just for your body

Then Naturopathic Medicine might be the right path for you.

How does Naturopathic Medicine help?

Naturopathic Medicine supports your body's remarkable power to heal itself and aims to nurture that intrinsic ability.

Unlike conventional medicine, Naturopathic Medicine dives to the very root of your health concerns instead of just addressing the surface symptoms. Holistically elevating your overall well-being.

In Naturopathic Medicine, your health is viewed through a wide-angle lens that perceives you beyond your physical self, embracing your emotional and spiritual dimensions too.

The result? A personalized wellness plan tailored to align with your individual circumstances, preferences, and day-to-day life, ensuring a harmonious and sustainable path to optimal health and vitality.

Common problems we treat…


  • Cardiovascular and Metabolic Conditions
  • Digestive Concerns
  • Immune System Imbalances
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions
  • Psychological Concerns
  • Skin Conditions
  • Children's Health
  • Women’s Health
  • Men’s Health

Naturopathic Treatments

Naturopathic Doctors favor a holistic approach with non-invasive treatment and generally avoid the use of surgery and drugs. 

Some common naturopathic treatment options include:

1. Clinical Nutrition & Supplementation

What you consume and how your body digests it directly shapes your well-being. Tailoring diet and supplements to your needs helps tackle deficiencies, manage diseases, and foster health. Identifying and understanding food sensitivities and allergies can aid in re-establishing a balanced, healthy state.

2. Botanical Medicine

It involves plant-based treatments. Botanicals bring the potent benefits of their phytochemical constituents, offering a range of natural, physiological effects. Their inherent, active compounds gently interact with your body, providing a quiet, nurturing pathway to maintaining health and balance.

Botanicals come in many different forms, including teas, tinctures, and supplements.

3. Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic medicine operates on the principle of 'like cures like,' tapping into your body's inherent power to self-heal. It is an influential modality that promotes holistic physical and emotional healing.

4. Lifestyle Counseling

Naturopathic medicine focuses on empowering positive changes in lifestyle aspects that may hinder optimal health. Lifestyle counseling in this field meets you where you are, considering your current health status and desired achievements, and helps you move toward your wellness goals.

5. Injections / IV Nutrient Therapy

Injections introduce essential vitamins, like B12, or other natural immune-boosting substances, into your body. This method proves beneficial in addressing various health conditions, such as B12 deficiency, immune deficiency, and chronic fatigue syndrome, by providing direct and efficient nutrient support.

6. Acupuncture

If you're looking to naturally alleviate pain and address various conditions, acupuncture could be your answer, as it works by balancing the body's energy flow to promote healing and well-being. Dry needling can help chronic neck pain caused by stress, and general muscle tension, and can sometimes aid in recovery on surgical operations. 


Why Choose Us?

Because you deserve a treatment approach that’s as unique as you…

We open our doors to everyone, irrespective of age or health problems. Our mission is to help you toward complete recovery and enhanced well-being.

We employ a holistic strategy in our services. Essentially, this means helping your body's own remarkable healing powers.

Though the body is an ingenious system, it occasionally requires a gentle nudge to steer it toward improved health and joy. Our seasoned experts stand ready to be that guiding hand for you.

  • Multi-disciplinary approach: We stand firm in delivering care that's as unique as you. We offer holistic services, from Naturopathic Medicine to IV Nutrient Therapy, which aligns with your personal health goals, all under one welcoming roof. After all, helping you achieve your desired health is our priority.

  • Experience you can trust: Our Naturopathic Doctors are highly skilled health professionals with in-depth knowledge and can help you whether you want to tackle an illness, change your diet, ease pain, lose weight, or just stay healthy. They believe everyone's different, so they ensure your treatment plan is right for you.

  • State-of-the-art facilities: We equip our center with the latest technology to provide the unexceptional care and recovery you deserve.

  • Friendly and hygienic environment:  Our facility prioritizes hygiene while ensuring a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all.

Direct insurance billing: We work with these insurance providers

Meet Our Experts

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What does a naturopathic doctor do?

Naturopathic doctors use nature's remedies to help people get well and stay well. They treat all kinds of health issues without drugs or surgery, using approaches like nutrition, herbs, natural remedies, and acupuncture to improve your health and quality of life.

Who can benefit from naturopathic medicine treatment?

Naturopathic Medicine can help people of all ages and health conditions. Whether you aim to boost your diet, handle a health issue, or up your athletic game, our doctors are ready to assist.

What can I expect during my first naturopathic appointment?

In your initial visit, our experts will have a thorough chat with you to get to know your health history, lifestyle, and goals. Then, they'll make a naturopathic treatment plan just for you. In this session, you'll have time to talk, ask questions, get advice, and learn about naturopathic care.

Where is CHP located?
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Naturopathic Medicine Vaughan: Centre For Health & Performance

A Holistic Solution to Tackle Your Problems at the Root

Helping You Achieve Desired Health, Naturally

Our skilled naturopaths believe in a personalized approach tailored to your unique goals…

If you’re on the lookout for a health journey that:

  • Blends the wisdom of traditional and ancient medicine
  • Celebrates your body's own healing magic
  • Aims for true wellness, not just 'no illness'
  • Truly gets YOU and offers solutions designed just for your body

Then naturopathic medicine might be the right path for you. This practice is about treating the whole person, not just the symptoms.

How Do Naturopathic Doctors Help?

Centre For Health & Performance offers naturopathic medicine to support your body's remarkable power to heal itself and aims to nurture that intrinsic ability. 

Unlike conventional medicine, naturopathic medicine dives into the very serious root cause of your health concerns instead of just addressing the surface symptoms. It's not merely about eliminating sickness but holistically elevating your patient's overall well-being.

In naturopathy, your concerns are viewed through a wide-angle lens that perceives you beyond your physical self, embracing your emotional and spiritual dimensions too. 

The result? A personalized wellness customized treatment plan tailored to align with your individual circumstances, preferences, and day-to-day life, ensuring a harmonious and sustainable path to optimal vitality. It's not far-fetched to consider seeing naturopathic doctors as part of lifestyle counselling, since they help you look at your various health care concerns from a holistic perspective.

Naturopathic Medicine & Treatments

Naturopathic medicine favours a holistic approach with non-invasive treatment and generally avoids the use of surgery and prescription drugs. 

Using a range of alternative methods instead of diagnosis lab testing, a naturopath or doctor can often successfully pinpoint a predisposition in the patient or body before the onset of disease and suggest specific therapies and changes in your lifestyle.

Some common naturopathic treatment options include...

Clinical Nutrition & Supplementation

What you consume and how your body digests it directly shapes your well-being. Tailoring diet and supplements to your needs helps tackle deficiencies, manage chronic diseases, and foster overall health - this is a large part of what naturopathic medicine is all about.

Identifying and understanding food sensitivities and allergies can aid in re-establishing a balanced, healthy state. "Clinical nutrition" doesn't compare to the knowledge of a naturopathic doctor because they tailor your diet to your specific needs.

Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine (also known as herbal medicine) involves plant-based treatments. Botanical medicine brings the potent benefits of its phytochemical constituents, offering a range of natural, physiological effects. Their inherent, active compounds gently interact with your body, providing a quiet, nurturing pathway to maintaining good health and balance.

Botanicals come in many different forms, including teas, tinctures, and supplements.

Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic medicine operates on the principle of 'like cures like,' tapping into your body's inherent power to self-heal. It is an influential modality that promotes holistic physical and emotional healing.

There are many similarities between homeopathy, naturopathic medicine, and Ayurvedic medicine, with evidence based research to back it up. It's important to note that the "natural" route of health care often requires lifestyle changes

Lifestyle Counselling

Naturopathic medicine focuses on empowering positive changes in lifestyle aspects that may hinder optimal health. Lifestyle counseling in this field meets you where you are, considering your current health status and desired achievements in a healthy lifestyle, and helps you move toward your wellness goals. Consider adding massage therapy, performance physiotherapy, or finding a local Vaughan chiropractor to add to your new holistic approach.


Injections introduce essential vitamins, like B12, or other natural immune-boosting substances, into your body. This method proves beneficial in addressing underlying causes of various health conditions, such as B12 deficiency, immune deficiency, and chronic fatigue syndrome, by providing direct and efficient nutrient support.

Acupuncture or Traditional Chinese Medicine

To learn more about dry needling acupuncture in Vaughan, visit our acupuncture service page.

Best Naturopath Vaughan

Because you deserve a treatment approach that’s as unique as you…

We open our doors to everyone, irrespective of age or health problems. Our mission is to help you toward complete recovery, enhanced well-being, and stress management. Our naturopathic clinic focuses on disease prevention from a holistic lens, while still using modern scientific knowledge.

We employ a holistic strategy in our services. Essentially, this means boosting your body's own remarkable healing powers to relieve chronic pain, improve men's and women's health, address digestive concerns, high blood pressure, and more. A naturopathic doctor can even order hormone testing to determine the underlying cause of otherwise mysterious symptoms.

Though the body is an ingenious system, it occasionally requires a gentle nudge to steer it toward improved health and joy. Our seasoned experts stand ready to be that guiding hand for you.

  • Multi-disciplinary approach: We stand firm in delivering care that's as unique as you. We offer holistic services, from naturopathy to IV Nutrient Therapy, which aligns with your personal health goals, all under one welcoming roof. After all, helping you achieve your desired health is our priority.
  • Experience you can trust: Our naturopaths are highly skilled health professionals with in-depth knowledge and can help you whether you want to tackle an illness, change your diet, ease pain, lose weight, or just stay healthy. They believe everyone's different, so they ensure your treatment plan is right for you.
  • State-of-the-art facilities: We equip our center with the latest technology to provide the unexceptional care and recovery you deserve. 
  • Friendly and hygienic environment:  Our facility prioritizes hygiene while ensuring a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all.
  • Direct insurance billing: We work with these insurance providers

Naturopathic Medicine FAQs

What does a naturopathic doctor do?

Naturopathic doctors use nature's remedies to help people get well and stay well. They treat all kinds of health issues without drugs or surgery, using approaches like nutrition, herbs, natural remedies, and acupuncture to improve your health and quality of life.

Who can benefit from naturopathy treatment?

Naturopathy can help people of all ages and health conditions. Whether you are aiming for weight loss, boosting your diet, handling a health issue, or up your athletic game, our doctors are ready to assist.

What can I expect during my first naturopathic session?

In your initial visit, our experts and naturopathic practitioners will have a thorough chat with you to get to know your health history, lifestyle, and goals. Then, they'll make a naturopathic treatment plan just for you. In this session, you'll have time to talk, ask questions, get advice, and learn about naturopathic care.